Virtual Pet Shelter
Created classes and interfaces to generate an interactive pet shelter. Allowed users to care for their pet, and their pet's health was contingent on the user's input.
Skills and Technology Utilized:
- Java
- Eclipse
- Git
Review Site
Created a review site for my favorite workouts.
Skills and Technology Utilized:
- Spring
- Sublime
- JavaScript
Review Site Full Stack
Created fitness reviews and stored them in a relational database. Users were able to access the reviews through a web application.
Skills and Technology Utilized:
- Spring
- Sublime
- Java
- Relational Databases
- JavaScript
Balancing with Brooke Blog
Constructed a personal blog, curating various articles including homemade recipes, fitness and wellness reviews, and personal stories.
Skills and Technology Utilized:
- JavaScript
- Atom
- WinSCP
- Bluehost